Little by Little Homeschool - Homeschooling, Motherhood, Homemaking, Education, Family
Homeschool * Home Education * Motherhood * Homemaking * Parenting Do you wish you could feel confident in your homeschool decisions? Are you concerned that you aren’t doing it right? Do you wish you could get answers to all your homeschooling questions? Are you struggling to balance all your roles in this season of life? In this podcast, you will find tactical and realistic solutions to set you free from the concerns and stress of whether you are doing the right things. My mission is to equip you in your calling to embrace and then thrive in your homeschool, motherhood, and homemaking. If you’re ready to get out of survival mode, feel confident, and have peace in your heart and home--you’re in the right place! Hi, I’m Leigh, a kingdom-minded wife and mom. I tried to duct tape my priorities together without the right focus for way too many years. I was busy chasing approval from others, trying to meet perceived external expectations, and flying by the seat of my pants as a homeschool mom. I finally realized that if I was going to fully embrace the life I had, I needed to operate from a place of peace and joy. That’s when I planted my feet firmly where I was and began to create beauty, seek simplicity, and live intentionally. And I’m ready to share this with you! If you are ready to love your life as a homeschool mom and to know for certainty that you are doing the right thing for your children--this podcast is for you! Close up that lesson book, mama, let the kids go play, it’s time for you to thrive! Let’s work together and get your homeschool to the place you just know it can be. We all can get stuck and not know what to do, how to adjust, or if we’re even doing it right. We’ll dive in deep to all the homeschool hot topics and create the homeschool that you and your children will thrive in! Website - > Facebook - > Community -> Instagram ->
Monday Jul 11, 2022
Monday Jul 11, 2022
Hey, Friend!
Do you find yourself comparing your homeschool, whether it's you, your children, family as a whole, your husband to others? It can sneak in as a little thought and then grow into something much bigger.
The homeschool mom comparison trap can easily take us off the course we want to be on. The good news is that we all deal with this at some point.
And that is why I am sharing 4 tips to get you out of the rut and cycle of comparison, so that you can fulfill the calling you have to homeschool your children in this season of life.
♥ Leigh
Let's work together and get your homeschool to the place you just know it can be. We all can get stuck and not know what to do, how to adjust, or if we're even doing it right. We'll dive in deep to all the homeschool hot topics and create the homeschool that you and your children will thrive in! ENROLL IN CLARIFY YOUR HOMESCHOOL TODAY and SAVE $75 with the coupon code summerschool -->
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Thursday Jul 07, 2022
Thursday Jul 07, 2022
Hey, Friend!
Most moms jump into homeschooling with their focus on curriculum. I totally get it...that's the fun part!
But what if I told you that you could save time, money, and energy and pick curriculum from place of confidence? It's true! You can choose the best homeschool curriculum with a simple and easy 3 step process.
Today, I am sharing those steps with you so that you can begin your homeschool journey with intention and skip the years of trial and error. Plus, who likes to waste time, money, and energy! Not you, that's for sure!
Let's do this!
♥ Leigh
Let's work together and get your homeschool to the place you just know it can be. We all can get stuck and not know what to do, how to adjust, or if we're even doing it right. We'll dive in deep to all the homeschool hot topics and create the homeschool that you and your children will thrive in! ENROLL IN CLARIFY YOUR HOMESCHOOL TODAY -->
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Monday Jul 04, 2022
Monday Jul 04, 2022
Hey, Friend!
What do we do when we find ourselves with an older student...say middle and high school age...who doesn't love to learn? Whether they've been homeschooled or recently brought home to begin homeschooling, there is hope!
As moms, we see the value in being a life-long learner that comes from knowing the joy and excitement learning about the world brings. We want our children to grow into adults who continue their education as their interests and future careers lead them.
It really is never too late to instill a love of learning in our children. Even if they're 16, 17 years old, we can begin today.
I'm tackling a few tried and true ways to turn things around in this episode and I am so excited for you and your kiddo to make this breakthrough in their education.
♥ Leigh
Let's work together and get your homeschool to the place you just know it can be. We all can get stuck and not know what to do, how to adjust, or if we're even doing it right. We'll dive in deep to all the homeschool hot topics and create the homeschool that you and your children will thrive in! ENROLL IN CLARIFY YOUR HOMESCHOOL TODAY -->
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Thursday Jun 30, 2022
Thursday Jun 30, 2022
Hey, Friend!
Whether you currently have a teenager you are homeschooling or not, I'm sure you've thought about what it's going to look like when your kiddo gets to that age.
How do we juggle the high school requirements with interest-led learning? And what do we do when they don't jump for joy when we tell them about all our academic plans?
Raising teen boys, alongside homeschooling them can have its ups and downs, but going into the high school years requires the right mindset for Mom too!
This episode is going to be one with a little straight forward talk and a ton of encouragement. Let's do this!
♥ Leigh
Let's work together and get your homeschool to the place you just know it can be. We all can get stuck and not know what to do, how to adjust, or if we're even doing it right. We'll dive in deep to all the homeschool hot topics and create the homeschool that you and your children will thrive in! ENROLL IN CLARIFY YOUR HOMESCHOOL TODAY -->
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Monday Jun 27, 2022
Monday Jun 27, 2022
Hey, Friend!
Do you find that you have great plans and intentions when it comes to homeschooling, but it tends to go off track? Why does this tend to happen? And often?
As homeschool moms, we have so much to keep up with each and every day. And we want to carry through will all of our lesson plans. But life tends to happen. Or is it something else?
Let's have this hard conversation and go over these 5 steps to evaluate why you aren't able to stay consistent. As homeschoolers, we want to do right by our children, but we need to be honest with ourselves from time to time.
By digging under the surface, we can uncover the root of any inconsistency and make the necessary changes that we know we need to.
♥ Leigh
Let's work together and get your homeschool to the place you just know it can be. We all can get stuck and not know what to do, how to adjust, or if we're even doing it right. We'll dive in deep to all the homeschool hot topics and create the homeschool that you and your children will thrive in! ENROLL IN CLARIFY YOUR HOMESCHOOL TODAY -->
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Thursday Jun 23, 2022
Thursday Jun 23, 2022
Hey, Friend!
Have you lost the joy of homemaking? Does it feel like a chore rather than something that you GET to do as a homeschool mom?
Or maybe you like creating your home, but just don't know where to start.
I've got you covered! Sharing from my 21 years of homemaking and some of the good and bad choices I've made over the years, I have 5 tips to get you on the road to loving this role in life.
Let's work heartily and serve our family well in this season of life as we create a home they can thrive in.
♥ Leigh
Let's work together and get your homeschool to the place you just know it can be. We all can get stuck and not know what to do, how to adjust, or if we're even doing it right. We'll dive in deep to all the homeschool hot topics and create the homeschool that you and your children will thrive in! ENROLL IN CLARIFY YOUR HOMESCHOOL TODAY -->
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Monday Jun 20, 2022
Monday Jun 20, 2022
Hey, Friend!
Congratulations on a homeschool year well done! Doesn't it feel so good to look back on all that you accomplished with your children?
But what do we do with all the paperwork, workbooks, notebooks, and textbooks that we used this past school year?
Do you keep it all? Some of it? None of it? And is there a difference in what we keep for kindergarten as opposed to high school?
These are such great questions! And I am going to use my 11 years of homeschooling experience to answer every single one.
Plus, I've got an announcement about the summer for you too.
I am excited to help you finish up this homeschool year and take a deep breath and exhale for your summer break.
♥ Leigh
Let's work together and get your homeschool to the place you just know it can be. We all can get stuck and not know what to do, how to adjust, or if we're even doing it right. We'll dive in deep to all the homeschool hot topics and create the homeschool that you and your children will thrive in! ENROLL IN CLARIFY YOUR HOMESCHOOL TODAY -->
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Thursday Jun 16, 2022
Thursday Jun 16, 2022
Hey, Friend!
Homeschooling is a full-time "job." It really is. And anyone who says differently has never actually been a homeschool mom.
Colossians 3:23 encourages us to work heartily and willingly for the Lord. But what does that look like day to day and year to year when it come to the homeschool lifestyle?
Today, I am sharing 4 specific areas to focus on while we educate our children at home.
Let's do this homeschool gig well, okay, Mama?!
♥ Leigh
Let's work together and get your homeschool to the place you just know it can be. We all can get stuck and not know what to do, how to adjust, or if we're even doing it right. We'll dive in deep to all the homeschool hot topics and create the homeschool that you and your children will thrive in! ENROLL IN CLARIFY YOUR HOMESCHOOL TODAY -->
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Tuesday Jun 14, 2022
Tuesday Jun 14, 2022
Hey, Friend!
As homeschool moms who are seeking to live differently, we need to become discerning in recognizing the toxic mommy culture. And then deciding not only to reject that, but being equipped on keeping our minds and hearts focused on how we should be raising our children.
Motherhood can be so overwhelming at times, but it is an absolute blessing when we allow it to be. How do we do that? There are four specific steps that will help ground us, as well as give us the proper perspective.
Let's remember that we are not "only" raising our children, but we are stewarding souls.
May this episode bless and encourage you!
♥ Leigh
Let's work together and get your homeschool to the place you just know it can be. We all can get stuck and not know what to do, how to adjust, or if we're even doing it right. We'll dive in deep to all the homeschool hot topics and create the homeschool that you and your children will thrive in! ENROLL IN CLARIFY YOUR HOMESCHOOL TODAY -->
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Monday Jun 13, 2022
Monday Jun 13, 2022
Hey, Friend!
Sometimes we find ourselves as parents on opposite sides of a decision. We both want what is best for our children. And that's a really good thing!
But what do we do if we find ourselves at odds with our husband over the decision of homeschooling?
I've broken this down to 7 simple steps you can begin today to work through this decision and grow stronger as a couple as you navigate this next step.
I hope this blesses those who find themselves...or find similar situations.
♥ Leigh
Let's work together and get your homeschool to the place you just know it can be. We all can get stuck and not know what to do, how to adjust, or if we're even doing it right. We'll dive in deep to all the homeschool hot topics and create the homeschool that you and your children will thrive in! ENROLL IN CLARIFY YOUR HOMESCHOOL TODAY -->
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