Little by Little Homeschool - Homeschooling, Motherhood, Homemaking, Education, Family
Homeschool * Home Education * Motherhood * Homemaking * Parenting Do you wish you could feel confident in your homeschool decisions? Are you concerned that you aren’t doing it right? Do you wish you could get answers to all your homeschooling questions? Are you struggling to balance all your roles in this season of life? In this podcast, you will find tactical and realistic solutions to set you free from the concerns and stress of whether you are doing the right things. My mission is to equip you in your calling to embrace and then thrive in your homeschool, motherhood, and homemaking. If you’re ready to get out of survival mode, feel confident, and have peace in your heart and home--you’re in the right place! Hi, I’m Leigh, a kingdom-minded wife and mom. I tried to duct tape my priorities together without the right focus for way too many years. I was busy chasing approval from others, trying to meet perceived external expectations, and flying by the seat of my pants as a homeschool mom. I finally realized that if I was going to fully embrace the life I had, I needed to operate from a place of peace and joy. That’s when I planted my feet firmly where I was and began to create beauty, seek simplicity, and live intentionally. And I’m ready to share this with you! If you are ready to love your life as a homeschool mom and to know for certainty that you are doing the right thing for your children--this podcast is for you! Close up that lesson book, mama, let the kids go play, it’s time for you to thrive! Let’s work together and get your homeschool to the place you just know it can be. We all can get stuck and not know what to do, how to adjust, or if we’re even doing it right. We’ll dive in deep to all the homeschool hot topics and create the homeschool that you and your children will thrive in! Website - > Facebook - > Community -> Instagram ->
Monday Sep 19, 2022
Monday Sep 19, 2022
Hey, Friend!
Are you struggling with maintaining the house cleaning while raising your children, along with the momentous task of homeschooling them?
Sometimes we can wonder if we'll ever get out regular homemaking tasks done, let alone the extras on the to-do list. Is it even worth to bother trying?
Yes! It really is! And today I am going to tell you why giving space in your homeschool days to get the housework done is important. We'll also cover 3 steps to make your house cleaning productive.
Pull up a chair, get out a piece of paper, and be encouraged and inspired to conquer all that needs to be done today!
♥ Leigh
Let's work together and get your homeschool to the place you just know it can be. We all can get stuck and not know what to do, how to adjust, or if we're even doing it right. We'll dive in deep to all the homeschool hot topics and create the homeschool that you and your children will thrive in! ENROLL IN CLARIFY YOUR HOMESCHOOL TODAY -->
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Thursday Sep 15, 2022
Thursday Sep 15, 2022
Hey, Friend!
You know that you are supposed to enjoy these days of homeschooling your children. But, each day feels so long and there is so much correction and instruction that you wonder if you'll get through them.
Let's not merely survive and "get through" each day. We aren't meant to live that life. We should be thriving!
Let's take a look at 5 simple and quick ideas that you can begin today that will make your homeschool days more enjoyable.
You are meant for joy! Let's learn how to make that a regular part of your homeschool.
♥ Leigh
Let's work together and get your homeschool to the place you just know it can be. We all can get stuck and not know what to do, how to adjust, or if we're even doing it right. We'll dive in deep to all the homeschool hot topics and create the homeschool that you and your children will thrive in! ENROLL IN CLARIFY YOUR HOMESCHOOL TODAY -->
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Monday Sep 12, 2022
Monday Sep 12, 2022
Hey, Friend!
When it comes to school choice, a family is either homeschooling or they are not. And the path they are on is a decision they've made, whether parents want to admit that or not.
Sure, it's "easier" to just follow along with the crowd. But what if you're being called to step out of the crowd and build a new way of life for your family?
Ah, then homeschooling is what you need to look into. But you have "reasons" for why you don't homeschool. Personally, I like to call those excuses and I'm sharing the top ones that parents make against homeschooling their children.
To one degree or another, all parents who don't homeschool have some of these excuses, but underneath it there is one real reason for saying no. We're going to uncover this today!
Buckle up because I'm not holding back!
♥ Leigh
Let's work together and get your homeschool to the place you just know it can be. We all can get stuck and not know what to do, how to adjust, or if we're even doing it right. We'll dive in deep to all the homeschool hot topics and create the homeschool that you and your children will thrive in! ENROLL IN CLARIFY YOUR HOMESCHOOL TODAY -->
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Thursday Sep 08, 2022
Thursday Sep 08, 2022
Hey, Friend!
You have this beautiful bright-eyed elementary age homeschool child and you do all the things for them. And they're happy.
But you wonder if it's enough to bond you two through all the years that are ahead. Maybe.
But what if there were some simple ways that you could strengthen your relationship? There are! And I am sharing 10 {I promise simple!} ways for a mom to bond with your child during these younger years.
Grab a pen and paper...or maybe your homeschool mom notebook...and get this list down to refer to often in the years ahead. Why? Because these are the exact ways that I bonded with my children and they'll tell you today story after story that include these simple tips.
♥ Leigh
Let's work together and get your homeschool to the place you just know it can be. We all can get stuck and not know what to do, how to adjust, or if we're even doing it right. We'll dive in deep to all the homeschool hot topics and create the homeschool that you and your children will thrive in! ENROLL IN CLARIFY YOUR HOMESCHOOL TODAY -->
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Monday Sep 05, 2022
Monday Sep 05, 2022
Hey, Friend!
The days are just so full. Between activities, appointments, naptime, cleaning, cooking, homeschooling, and more, you are an overwhelmed homeschool mom.
How does anyone manage all of this? And then get up and do it again tomorrow?
I have 3 essential tips for you to make some big changes for your family that will get you from busy and overwhelmed to having control over your days.
Let's do this, friend! I am excited for you to experience peace and contentment over these days of homeschooling your children.
♥ Leigh
Let's work together and get your homeschool to the place you just know it can be. We all can get stuck and not know what to do, how to adjust, or if we're even doing it right. We'll dive in deep to all the homeschool hot topics and create the homeschool that you and your children will thrive in! ENROLL IN CLARIFY YOUR HOMESCHOOL TODAY -->
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Thursday Sep 01, 2022
Thursday Sep 01, 2022
Hey, Friend!
Are you feeling overwhelmed by homeschool or like something is missing in your day? Or maybe you need a reset button?
Did you know that 10 minutes can completely change your day? It can! And there are 3 simple, yet important things you can do today to set your homeschool day straight.
Add one, two, or three to each homeschooling day and you'll find that your hearts and heads will be straightened out. Better yet, your day will be much more enjoyable.
♥ Leigh
Let's work together and get your homeschool to the place you just know it can be. We all can get stuck and not know what to do, how to adjust, or if we're even doing it right. We'll dive in deep to all the homeschool hot topics and create the homeschool that you and your children will thrive in! ENROLL IN CLARIFY YOUR HOMESCHOOL TODAY -->
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Monday Aug 29, 2022
Monday Aug 29, 2022
Hey, Friend!
You are feeling the pull to make some changes in what your family eats, but you're lost in where to start.
I felt the same way 10+ years ago. There were 3 steps that I took in order to make the shift from the typical American diet to one that offers real health.
And I am excited to share these with you today so that you and your family can begin the journey of eating healthy meals and snacks as homeschool families.
♥ Leigh
Let's work together and get your homeschool to the place you just know it can be. We all can get stuck and not know what to do, how to adjust, or if we're even doing it right. We'll dive in deep to all the homeschool hot topics and create the homeschool that you and your children will thrive in! ENROLL IN CLARIFY YOUR HOMESCHOOL TODAY -->
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Thursday Aug 25, 2022
Thursday Aug 25, 2022
Hey, Friend!
As women, and now as moms, we can easily be held captive by our thoughts about motherhood. We don't live to our full potential and allow ourselves to be influenced by others and our own thoughts.
But what if we could identify the specific areas that are keeping us stuck? And then, what if we could really break free and be the moms we're meant to be?
That is all in this episode! And I am so excited for you to live in freedom and to no longer be held back in your motherhood.
Let's do this, Mama!
♥ Leigh
Let's work together and get your homeschool to the place you just know it can be. We all can get stuck and not know what to do, how to adjust, or if we're even doing it right. We'll dive in deep to all the homeschool hot topics and create the homeschool that you and your children will thrive in! ENROLL IN CLARIFY YOUR HOMESCHOOL TODAY -->
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Monday Aug 22, 2022
Monday Aug 22, 2022
Hey, Friend!
You've got this homeschooling thing going on and you know that there are certain days, hours, or other requirements you need to meet for your state regulations.
You also have your own plans, goals, and ideas about what your homeschool year will include.
But how do you figure this out? When do we begin? How often can we take days off? When will the last day be? How do I know that I meet my requirements?
Sound familiar? I used to have those same questions...and more! But today, let's clear away the fluff. Grab your calendar and let's take a simple 3 step approach to planning your year so you can just carry through with it.
♥ Leigh
Let's work together and get your homeschool to the place you just know it can be. We all can get stuck and not know what to do, how to adjust, or if we're even doing it right. We'll dive in deep to all the homeschool hot topics and create the homeschool that you and your children will thrive in! ENROLL IN CLARIFY YOUR HOMESCHOOL TODAY -->
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Thursday Aug 18, 2022
Thursday Aug 18, 2022
Hey, Friend!
Whether you are brand new to homeschooling or have some time "in the trenches," I have a treat for you today.
It took me way too many years to wrap my mind around approaching our homeschool differently than how school was ingrained in me. But, you! You get to hear 3 amazing steps that are going to set you free when it comes to homeschool and education.
If you are ready to dig in deep and make some changes that will completely change your trajectory of your family, hit that play button. Let's do this!
♥ Leigh
Let's work together and get your homeschool to the place you just know it can be. We all can get stuck and not know what to do, how to adjust, or if we're even doing it right. We'll dive in deep to all the homeschool hot topics and create the homeschool that you and your children will thrive in! ENROLL IN CLARIFY YOUR HOMESCHOOL TODAY -->
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