Little by Little Homeschool - Homeschooling, Motherhood, Homemaking, Education, Family
Homeschool * Home Education * Motherhood * Homemaking * Parenting Do you wish you could feel confident in your homeschool decisions? Are you concerned that you aren’t doing it right? Do you wish you could get answers to all your homeschooling questions? Are you struggling to balance all your roles in this season of life? In this podcast, you will find tactical and realistic solutions to set you free from the concerns and stress of whether you are doing the right things. My mission is to equip you in your calling to embrace and then thrive in your homeschool, motherhood, and homemaking. If you’re ready to get out of survival mode, feel confident, and have peace in your heart and home--you’re in the right place! Hi, I’m Leigh, a kingdom-minded wife and mom. I tried to duct tape my priorities together without the right focus for way too many years. I was busy chasing approval from others, trying to meet perceived external expectations, and flying by the seat of my pants as a homeschool mom. I finally realized that if I was going to fully embrace the life I had, I needed to operate from a place of peace and joy. That’s when I planted my feet firmly where I was and began to create beauty, seek simplicity, and live intentionally. And I’m ready to share this with you! If you are ready to love your life as a homeschool mom and to know for certainty that you are doing the right thing for your children--this podcast is for you! Close up that lesson book, mama, let the kids go play, it’s time for you to thrive! Let’s work together and get your homeschool to the place you just know it can be. We all can get stuck and not know what to do, how to adjust, or if we’re even doing it right. We’ll dive in deep to all the homeschool hot topics and create the homeschool that you and your children will thrive in! Website - > Facebook - > Community -> Instagram ->
Monday Oct 24, 2022
Monday Oct 24, 2022
Hey, Friend!
Whoa! This topic can be a touchy one and it can get some worked up. But I don't think it should.
Grab a warm cup of your favorite fall drink and pull up a chair. Let's have a chat about the topic of homeschooling families {or any Christian family} taking part in and/or celebrating Halloween.
Using my family's experience over my 20 years of parenting, I am hoping to share a point of view and some thoughts that you may not have considered.
Are you ready? I am!
♥ Leigh
Ready for a simple and straight-forward approach to homeschooling? Register for this brand new simplified course that cuts out the wasted hours of searching for answers online. Start today with the Beginners Guide to Homeschooling -->
Let's work together and get your homeschool to the place you just know it can be. We all can get stuck and not know what to do, how to adjust, or if we're even doing it right. We'll dive in deep to all the homeschool hot topics and create the homeschool that you and your children will thrive in! ENROLL IN CLARIFY YOUR HOMESCHOOL TODAY -->
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Thursday Oct 20, 2022
Thursday Oct 20, 2022
Hey, Friend!
Are you over there flying by the seat of your pants? Winging it with your day to day with homeschool? Or maybe you had a plan, but it just isn't going over very well.
I know how you feel. When I first began homeschooling, I had no idea that I could do anything differently than how school was presented to me in my childhood.
But you! You know that your daily routine can serve your family well and help you all thrive.
Let's get you there with these 5 simple steps!
♥ Leigh
Ready for a simple and straight-forward approach to homeschooling? Register for this brand new simplified course that cuts out the wasted hours of searching for answers online. Start today with the Beginners Guide to Homeschooling -->
Let's work together and get your homeschool to the place you just know it can be. We all can get stuck and not know what to do, how to adjust, or if we're even doing it right. We'll dive in deep to all the homeschool hot topics and create the homeschool that you and your children will thrive in! ENROLL IN CLARIFY YOUR HOMESCHOOL TODAY -->
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Monday Oct 17, 2022
Monday Oct 17, 2022
Hey, Friend!
It's wonderful that family wants to spend time with you and your children. But what if you are feeling overwhelmed by it and boundaries are being crossed?
There are some difficult conversations that need to be had and I am sharing some simple tips to help you preserve the homeschool and lifestyle you have established.
It may feel hard, but the other side of this can lead to peace and respect in your relationships.
Let's not be afraid to step into this sometimes touchy subject and learn how to establish and maintain boundaries with our family.
♥ Leigh
Ready for a simple and straight-forward approach to homeschooling? Register for this brand new simplified course that cuts out the wasted hours of searching for answers online. Start today with the Beginners Guide to Homeschooling -->
Let's work together and get your homeschool to the place you just know it can be. We all can get stuck and not know what to do, how to adjust, or if we're even doing it right. We'll dive in deep to all the homeschool hot topics and create the homeschool that you and your children will thrive in! ENROLL IN CLARIFY YOUR HOMESCHOOL TODAY -->
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Thursday Oct 13, 2022
Thursday Oct 13, 2022
Hey, Friend!
Let's discuss some super practical homeschool high school subjects like English and math. It can feel overwhelming to give your teen that solid foundation they'll need for further educational pursuits.
But let's simplify it and evaluate what is best for this child this homeschool year.
Join me as I dive into some next steps and give some of my favorite resources for these two subjects.
♥ Leigh
Ready for a simple and straight-forward approach to homeschooling? Register for this brand new simplified course that cuts out the wasted hours of searching for answers online. Start today with the Beginners Guide to Homeschooling -->
Let's work together and get your homeschool to the place you just know it can be. We all can get stuck and not know what to do, how to adjust, or if we're even doing it right. We'll dive in deep to all the homeschool hot topics and create the homeschool that you and your children will thrive in! ENROLL IN CLARIFY YOUR HOMESCHOOL TODAY -->
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Monday Oct 10, 2022
Monday Oct 10, 2022
Hey, Friend!
Do you have the unexplained nagging in the back of your mind that has you questioning whether you are doing enough in your homeschool?
You're doing the lessons, field trips, read alouds, play dates, and on and on the list goes. But is it enough?
Are your kids going to be okay in the future with the education you are providing them with?
Let's break this down, so you know for sure whether you are doing enough today. And tomorrow. And this entire homeschool year.
I hope this episode encourages and inspires you in the homeschooling of your children.
♥ Leigh
Ready for a simple and straight-forward approach to homeschooling? Register for this brand new simplified course that cuts out the wasted hours of searching for answers online. Start today with the Beginners Guide to Homeschooling -->
Let's work together and get your homeschool to the place you just know it can be. We all can get stuck and not know what to do, how to adjust, or if we're even doing it right. We'll dive in deep to all the homeschool hot topics and create the homeschool that you and your children will thrive in! ENROLL IN CLARIFY YOUR HOMESCHOOL TODAY -->
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Thursday Oct 06, 2022
Thursday Oct 06, 2022
Hey, Friend!
So, you decided to homeschool and on day one, your family looks like a scene out of the local public school...just a few less people though.
School being the only way to receive education is all you know. And that is completely normal. But what if I told you that it doesn't have to be this way?
You feel the nudge to give your children a childhood and education that is contrary to what you received. But you're feeling stuck.
Until now. Are you ready to shake things up? I hope so because I've got three steps to make that huge shift in your know, the one that is going to change the course of your homeschool.
I'm excited, so let's jump in and do this!
♥ Leigh
Ready for a simple and straight-forward approach to homeschooling? Register for this brand new simplified course that cuts out the wasted hours of searching for answers online. Start today with the Beginners Guide to Homeschooling -->
Let's work together and get your homeschool to the place you just know it can be. We all can get stuck and not know what to do, how to adjust, or if we're even doing it right. We'll dive in deep to all the homeschool hot topics and create the homeschool that you and your children will thrive in! ENROLL IN CLARIFY YOUR HOMESCHOOL TODAY -->
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Monday Oct 03, 2022
Monday Oct 03, 2022
Hey, Friend!
If you've been around the homeschool realm for more than a hot minute, then you've certainly heard the chatter about instilling the love of reading in children.
But how does a homeschool mom practically do that? And why even bother?
That is exactly what we'll cover today. There are 3 very simple ways to create the love of reading in your child and a great explanation for why this is important.
but what about kids who "don't like to read" or are having difficulty? There are a couple very specific tips I have for those homeschool moms too.
Ready to give your kiddo a love of reading? Let's do this!
♥ Leigh
Ready for a simple and straight-forward approach to homeschooling? Register for this brand new simplified course that cuts out the wasted hours of searching for answers online. Start today with the Beginners Guide to Homeschooling -->
Let's work together and get your homeschool to the place you just know it can be. We all can get stuck and not know what to do, how to adjust, or if we're even doing it right. We'll dive in deep to all the homeschool hot topics and create the homeschool that you and your children will thrive in! ENROLL IN CLARIFY YOUR HOMESCHOOL TODAY -->
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Thursday Sep 29, 2022
Thursday Sep 29, 2022
Hey, Friend!
How do we navigate the homeschool years with teens when it come to friendships? Are these important? And to what extent?
You've decided to homeschool for some very specific reasons and now wonder how to balance your teen's need for friends with the extreme importance our culture puts upon friendships.
Is it possible to continue to meet your family's goals for your homeschool lifestyle and meet your teen's desire for friends? Yes, no, and maybe.
Let's tackle this subject so that you and your husband can make intentional decisions about the importance of friendships during your homeschool teen's middle and high school years.
♥ Leigh
Let's work together and get your homeschool to the place you just know it can be. We all can get stuck and not know what to do, how to adjust, or if we're even doing it right. We'll dive in deep to all the homeschool hot topics and create the homeschool that you and your children will thrive in! ENROLL IN CLARIFY YOUR HOMESCHOOL TODAY -->
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Monday Sep 26, 2022
Monday Sep 26, 2022
Hey, Friend!
Whether this is your first, second, third, or however many years of homeschool, we all want one thing as homeschool moms: to have the best year ever.
Is this just a crazy pipe dream that can never be achieved?
I don't think it's unattainable at all.
Actually, I know it is a worthwhile goal. And that is why I am sharing two secrets I have learned from my 11 years of homeschooling and 20 years of motherhood in today's podcast episode.
I pray it blesses you and that this truly is YOUR best homeschool year ever!
♥ Leigh
Let's work together and get your homeschool to the place you just know it can be. We all can get stuck and not know what to do, how to adjust, or if we're even doing it right. We'll dive in deep to all the homeschool hot topics and create the homeschool that you and your children will thrive in! ENROLL IN CLARIFY YOUR HOMESCHOOL TODAY -->
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Thursday Sep 22, 2022
Thursday Sep 22, 2022
Hey, Friend!
"How will your kid be ready for the 'real world' if you homeschool?"
Have you heard that one yet? If so, and you're like me, I don't really know how to answer the person asking it.
What I do know is how our homeschool teens can be prepared to take the next step when they leave our home and make their own lives. After guiding my three children through this, I am sharing 6 tips that you can begin today with a child of any age that will give you the peace and confidence that they will be just fine.
Let's come up with a plan and carry through with it...ready?! Let's go!
♥ Leigh
Let's work together and get your homeschool to the place you just know it can be. We all can get stuck and not know what to do, how to adjust, or if we're even doing it right. We'll dive in deep to all the homeschool hot topics and create the homeschool that you and your children will thrive in! ENROLL IN CLARIFY YOUR HOMESCHOOL TODAY -->
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